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How to buy?Fill in the above form and we will send you reply within 5-7days
Do you deliver to country other than HK?World Wide Online Order, EXW Hong Kong without local services support. We will help to arrange the best possible shipment to your destination (Charges and conditions applies).
How can i get my services?Since we are a start-up company and yet to extend our dealer network globally, we can provide services in Hong Kong only. For overseas customer, we will refer you to our dealers / distributors if any. Please also enquire at your local distributor for your local retail price if local services support is required. If you are located in a country without our dealer network, online services can be provided.
Would online Services be adequate?Our online business is glowing well. Our online services including the unique precise comics user's manual and instructive videos have gained appreciations from our international users.
How long can I get my purchased?Lead time may take 45-60 days depends on your country location.
Can i rent your product?Recently we do not provide rental services but we have contacted some agent on rental plans. Please subscribe our newsletter for updates.
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